Quick start


  1. Install the requirements.

  2. Configure Terraform.

     $ cd terraform
     $ cp example.terraform.tfvars terraform.tfvars

    and then update terraform.tfvars with your root or administrator AWS access keys and also select a new name for your S3 bucket.

  3. Set up your AWS environment using Terraform.

     $ terraform init
     $ terraform apply

    Terraform will output some values that are needed in the next step.

    Note that the root or administrator AWS access keys are no longer required by Twarc-Cloud so you can remove them.

  4. Configure Twarc-Cloud.

     $ cd ..
     $ cp example.twarc_cloud.ini twarc_cloud.ini

    and then update twarc_cloud.ini with the values output by Terraform from the previous step. You can also optionally provide a Honeybadger API key.

  5. Acquire a Twitter API keys using Twarc.

     $ twarc configure

    and then provide your consumer keys. Twarc will then ask you paste a url into a browser, where you will be asked to log into your Twitter account and authorize Twarc-Cloud to access your account.

  6. Make sure everything is working:

     $ python3 twarc_cloud.py
     usage: twarc_cloud.py [-h] [-V] [--debug]
                           {collection-config,collection,harvest} ...
     Manage AWS resources for Twarc Cloud.
     positional arguments:
                             command help
         collection-config   Collection configuration-related commands.
         collection          Collection-related commands.
         harvest             Harvest-related commands.
     optional arguments:
       -h, --help            show this help message and exit
       -V, --version         Show version and exit
     $ python twarc_cloud.py harvest list
     No running harvests.

Create a user timeline collection

  1. Create a collection configuration file.

     $ python3 twarc_cloud.py collection-config template user_timeline --id=test_collection
     Template written to collection.json.
     Add the collection before adding users to collect.
     $ cat collection.json 
       "id": "test_collection",
       "credentials": {
         "consumer_key": "<Your Twitter API consumer key>",
         "consumer_secret": "<Your Twitter API consumer secret>",
         "access_token": "<Your Twitter API access token>",
         "access_token_secret": "<Your Twitter API access token secret>"
       "type": "user_timeline",
       "users": {},
       "delete_users_for": [
  2. Add credentials to the collection configuration.

     $ python3 twarc_cloud.py collection-config credentials
     Added credentials to collection.json.

    This adds the Twitter API keys that you acquired earlier with Twarc.

  3. Add the collection.

     $ python3 twarc_cloud.py collection add
     Collection added.
     Don't forget to start or schedule the collection.

    This copies the collection configuration file to your S3 bucket.

  4. Add users to the collection.

     $ python3 twarc_cloud.py collection-config screennames @justin_littman @not_justin_littman
     Getting users ids for screen names. This may take some time ...
     Added screen names to collection.json.
     Following screen names where not found:

    Twarc-cloud will notify you if any of the users cannot be found. You can also add users by user id and load them from files.

  5. Update the collection.

     $ python3 twarc_cloud.py collection-config update
     Collection configuration updated.
  6. Schedule the collection.

     $ python3 twarc_cloud.py collection schedule test_collection "rate(7 days)"

That’s it! A harvest will be performed immediately and then again every 7 days.

Download the collection

    $ python3 twarc_cloud.py collection download test_collection
    Collection downloaded to download/twarc-cloud/collections/test_collection
    $ find download/twarc-cloud2/collections/test_collection -type f

Some explanation:

  • download/twarc-cloud2/collections/test_collection/harvests/2019/03/09/15/35/07/ contains the files created by the harvest.
    • tweets-20190309153508.jsonl.gz contains the tweets as in a newline-delimited, gzip compressed JSON format as retrieved from Twitter’s API. In this case there is only one file; depending on the number of tweets and how long a harvest takes, there may be multiple files.
    • users.jsonl contains the users in a newline-delimited JSON format as retrieved from Twitter’s API.
    • manifest-sha1.txt contains a SHA1 checksum for each tweet file in the harvest.
    • user_changes.json describes any changes that were found for users, e.g., changed screen names.
    • collection.json is the collection configuration file used to perform this harvest.
    • harvest.json contains information about the harvest such as the number of tweets collected.
  • download/twarc-cloud2/collections/test_collection/changesets/ contains changeset files that record every change made to the collection configuration.

Stop the collection

    $ python twarc_cloud.py collection stop test_collection